Sanmina: Supporting workers from the factory to the boardroom with Chrome Enterprise
Sanmina, a San Jose-based creator of end-to-end systems for OEM manufacturers, wanted to shift its frontline workers from time-consuming paper-based processes and workflows to the cloud. Sanmina’s products are complex and often perform critical roles in sensitive healthcare and defense settings that require high reliability and quality control, so equipping workers with accurate information to and from the factory floor is essential. In Sanmina’s office settings, workers also needed collaboration tools to help improve global operations and streamline complex design processes.
Sanmina chose Chrome Enterprise and Chrome devices for their adaptability to both factory and office settings, as well as easier management, flexibility, and security. The company added Google Workspace to improve everyday productivity.
About Sanmina
Sanmina is a global supply chain manager and manufacturer of high-reliability products for clients in many sectors including healthcare, defense, manufacturing, and technology. The company employs 48,000 and has nearly 80 manufacturing sites worldwide.
Industries: Manufacturing
Location: United States
Chrome Enterprise results
With the help of ChromeOS, we’re more efficient and secure than we’ve ever been before.
Improves factory workers’ access to critical documents where and when they’re needed.
Supports managers’ remote real-time data analysis on operations anywhere in the world.
Improves accuracy of manufacturing process manuals and records.
Increases operational efficiency through cloud-based sharing of documents and schedules.
Building a more efficient supply chain with cloud tools
To support workers in many different roles, Sanmina uses a variety of Chrome devices. Chromebases replaced old desktops in offices, and in manufacturing areas, are connected to mountable touchscreen monitors; Chromebooks or Chrome tablets are provided to workers on the go. CloudReady from Neverware easily converted old PCs into fully functioning Chrome devices. ChromeOS is compatible with 42Q, Sanmina’s supply chain software. Sanima uses Cameyo to help workers access applications from outside vendors. With Google Workspace, and in particular, Google Drive, Sanmina employees can create and store shareable documents in the cloud, and use Meet to connect with colleagues.
ChromeOS is empowering everyone at Sanmina to be a cloud worker.
Gelston Howell, Senior Vice President for Marketing, Sanmina